Unit Name: Albany Forks Carbonatite complex
Unit Type: Lithodemic
Rank: Complex
Status: Undefined
Usage: Currently in use
Age Interval: unknown (4567.17 - 0 ma)
Age Justification: The age of the complex is unknown (Sage, 1987).
Province/Territory: Ontario

Originator: Sage, 1987.

Type Locality:
The aeromagnetic anomaly covering the Albany Forks carbonatite complex is located at approximately 51°05'N Latitude and 84°50'W Longitude. The anomaly is located 172 north of Hearst, Ontario, at a point 6 km west of the junctions of the Albany and Kenogami Rivers (Sage, 1987).

The aeromagnetic anomaly of the Albany Forks intrusion is one of several within this region which displays a weak northwest trending iomagnetic contour pattern. The Albany Forks aeromagnetic anomaly forms a prominent circular pattern which is smaller than most of the others of the area. The anomaly has a diameter of approxiamtely 6.0 km and a surface area of approximately 25.0 km² (Sage, 1987).

The anomaly has been penetrated by one diamond drill hole. Drilling has indicated a body of magnetite sovite containing magnetite units up to 2.4 m thick, measured along drill core (not true width). The dominant rock-type in samples is magnetite sovite. In hand specimen, the sovite is a fine-grained, grey to black, magnetite-rich carbonate rock. The complex does not show evidence of having been regionally metamorphosed or recrystallized. On the basis of thin section examination and descriptions of the core the magnetite sovite rock likely is banded. Some evidence of former brecciation is present (Sage, 1987).

The intrusion lies beneath approxiamtely 220 m of Paleozoic sediment rocks. The aeromagnetic pattern lacks any discontinuitities which could be interpreted as faulting (Sage, 1987).

The complex was first apparent on Provincial-Federal aeromagnetic maps 3894G, P.578 (ODM-GSC 1967, 1970) which disclosed a circular aeromagnetic anomaly of approximately 5.6 km diameter. Keevil Mining Group Limited completed a magnetometer survey over portions of the complex and identified an oval-shaped magnetic anomaly 2250 m wide (McLeod, 1969c) (Sage, 1987).

McLeod, H.D., 1969c. Report on the Geophysics and Diamond Drilling on the Albany Forks West Group 887-4, Hearst Area, Ontario, for Keevil Mining Group Ltd.; Unpublished report, File 63-2617, Assessment Files Research Office, Ontario Geological Survey, 3p.
ODM-GSC, 1967. Various Aeromagnetic Maps: Maps 3745G, 3892G, 3896G, 3914G, 3915G, 3916G, 3917G, 3960G; Ontario Department of Mines - Geological Survey of Canada, Scale 1:63 360.
ODM-GSC, 1970. Albany River; Ontario Department of Mines - Geological Survey of Canada, Aeromagnetic Compilation Map P.578, Scale 1:1,013 760.
Sage, R.P., 1987. Geology of carbonatite-alkalic rock complexes in Ontario: James Bay Lowlands, districts of Cochrane and Kenora; Ontario Geological Survey Study, 1987, Vol. 42, 49 p.

Source: Murray Frarey's Precambrian Lexicon
Contributor: Michael Pashulka
Entry Reviewed: No
Name Set: Lithostratigraphic Lexicon
LastChange: 25 Sep 2009